1. Editorial Board
- COMHARTaighde has an editorial board whose members are recognized experts in the field. The full names and affiliations of the members are provided on our website.
- COMHARTaighde provides contact information for the editorial office on our website.
2. Authors and Authors responsibilities
- Authors are obliged to participate in peer review process.
- All authors must have significantly contributed to the research.
- All authors are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes, where required.
- Authors may not submit research that has previously been published or has been accepted for publication in another academic journal.
3. Peer-review process
- All of COMHARTaighde’s articles are subjected to double-blind peer review (i.e. by obtaining advice on individual manuscripts from two reviewers who expert in the field).
- Judgments are objective.
- Reviewers have no conflict of interest.
- Reviewers are asked to point out relevant published work which is not yet cited in manuscripts that are submitted for publication.
- Reviewed articles are treated confidentially.
4. Publication ethics
- The publisher, and editors, of COMHARTaighde, take all reasonable steps to identify and prevent the publication of papers where research misconduct has occurred.
- In no case would COMHARTaighde or its editors encourage such misconduct, or knowingly allow such misconduct to take place.
- In the event that the publisher or editors of COMHARTaighde are made aware of any allegation of research misconduct, such allegations will be addressed appropriately.
- COMHARTaighde will publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed, and maintains guidelines for retracting or correcting articles when needed.
5. Copyright and Access
- The copyright and licensing is by way of CC-BY-NC Creative Commons.
- This is an open-access journal. All articles are published in the Irish language together with English-language abstracts and titles.
6. Archiving
- All editions of COMHARTaighde are ingested into the Digital Repository of Ireland (dri.ie), in partnership with the library of the Royal Irish Academy, for secure long-term archival storage.
7. Ownership and management
- COMHARTaighde is published by COMHAR (www.comhar.ie), and its managing board of directors. This is clearly stated on the journal’s website.
8. Website
- Every effort is taken to ensure that comhartaighde.ie is maintained to the highest ethical and professional standards in terms of accessibility and data protection.
9. Publishing schedule
- As a serial publication, the periodicity at which COMHARTaighde is published is as an annual journal.
10. Name of journal
- COMHARTaighde is named uniquely in its field, and is not a name that could be easily confused with another journal or that might mislead potential authors and readers about its origin or association with other journals